
At first when we met
We said hi

Now we're still friends
But we've said goodbye

I gave you a chance
And you rejected

You said it's not good right now
And you stand corrected

You see what you've lost
At least I hope you do

You see what others can have
But not you

I don't mean to sound conceited
Or vain in any way

I'm just merely pointing out
What you had, and threw away

I liked you a lot
I honestly did

But did you feel the same?
Were there feelings you hid?

If you had feelings for me
You didn't show it

Because things are over now
And I didn't know it

If you didn't have feelings
Then why did you say so

When the only person you trust, lies
Then where do you go?

I just wanted to say
Thought you needed to know

These feelings I have
Need to be let go

(will upload a pik later k guyz..)

At first when we met
We said hi

Now we're still friends
But we've said goodbye

I gave you a chance
And you rejected

You said it's not good right now
And you stand corrected

You see what you've lost
At least I hope you do

You see what others can have
But not you

I don't mean to sound conceited
Or vain in any way

I'm just merely pointing out
What you had, and threw away

I liked you a lot
I honestly did

But did you feel the same?
Were there feelings you hid?

If you had feelings for me
You didn't show it

Because things are over now
And I didn't know it

If you didn't have feelings
Then why did you say so

When the only person you trust, lies
Then where do you go?

I just wanted to say
Thought you needed to know

These feelings I have
Need to be let go

(will upload a pik later k guyz..)