
= = = TainTeD LoVe = = =

You make me feel special,
You make me feel right.
You know when I'm wrong,
You know when I'm right.

Nobody knows me better,
Than the way you know me.
I wanna thank you for everything,
For making me happy.

I've known you for as long as I can remember,
And you've been my best friend ever since.
Look at us now,
We're together with our hearts as one to care for.

Your tainted love is like no other,
Because you'll never break my heart.
I'll never leave your side,
Because I'll love you 'till our ending days.

4 viewz:

odium said...

wow...very touching....lucky u to get some1 who cares for u that mch and lucky her that she has u :D

Anonymous said...

heehhe....ma commenter ODIUM is bak in action :)

iecco said...

achaa.. haadha rom eh :P

xLyCaNx said...

J vee tha i-kko :P\