
:::: DieD 4 LoVe ::::

I sit in the park where I dwell
For this boy I love so well
He took my heart away from me
Now he wants to set me free
I see a girl on his lap
He says things to her he never said to me
I ran home to cry on my bed
Not a word to mother was said
Father came home late that night
He looked at me from left to right
He saw me hanging from a rope
He took his knife to cut me down And on my dress a note was found
'Dig my grave, dig it deep
Dig my grave from head to feet
And on the top put a dove
And remember this:
I died for love.

7 viewz:

Ameer said...

Nice poem.

odium said...

full of gried...kinda sad, but nice poem :D

s[u]jau said...

an outstanding rant :p

Anonymous said...

died for love ? heard nothing is fair in love and war. guess u lost this time, since u died...

Anonymous said...

thats so sad... v nice the way its expressed...

Aisha said...

Truly Amazing :) very well written....kinda very sad dho, very nice ending engay ;)

xLyCaNx said...

wow...ma haadha molhey dhoa.....TALENT REALLY is SUMTHIN DHOA :P hahaha!!! thanx all of u :D